Earth’s Ancient Aliens

There is a real problem among UFO believers in their understanding of ET beings. Just who and what they are is misunderstood and given the confused nature of modern academic science there is little hope for clarification.

Just what are these alien being? Assuming the claims made for them are true, then they are small, have relatively large heads, very large eyes, and in some cases, have child-like behavior.

So, is this what we are to expect from an advanced alien (ET) race that has the ability to travel in space? Definitely not.

Assuming that the descriptions for these beings are accurate, then, what kind of beings do we have? What we have are types of humans that are different than we are, significantly so. However, in spite of their differences they are still very much like us. Is there any parallel to this in nature? Yes!

What we have are, self-evidently, distinct species of humans. WHAT? That was my question. Given the closeness to humans that these beings exhibit they must be related

Let us consider an example. How about cats, specifically large predatory cats like lions and tigers. They are similar to each other and even similar to domestic cats but are different species from each other.

The same is true for birds, insects, and flowers. Spiders, for example, have a multiplicity of species. Given this fact, then, why are humans different? They are not.

What really is different is that current academic science wants to consider humanity as one species. However, mainline academic sciences has already discovered a multiplicity of human species that existed in the past as part of our ancestry. Logic and the description of so-called alien beings indicate that different human species are still present on the Earth today.

We must also understand that fossils and skeletons do not provide complete information of what the ancients were like because there is no soft tissue with the remains. Academics, assume they were like ourselves and not very different. This may not be the case.

Academic science is also about defending their turf against encroachment by other academics to preserve tenure, grants, and their academic standing. This, however, is not science. True science welcomes all comers to contribute in order to discover the truth. There is no attempt to compartmentalize knowledge or protect turf.

If we take this approach when studying human origins we get answers that are both consistent with scientific theory and accurate. We have a different and truer story about human origins and civilization free from academic turf struggles.

It is my belief that human-like civilization is extremely ancient, millions of years old. Given that current science dates homo sapiens, our specie name, backward 200,000 years anything else has to be another specie(s).

Is there any evidence for this? Yes, there is, an extensive amount that is beyond the scope of this essay. Readers can read the more than 100 essays posted on this blog to familiar themselves with the material.

Readers of this blog should also keep an open mind and not be befuddled by so called “skeptics”. Do your own thinking.

All this said, we wish to make a few comments about the so-called aliens. Our research indicated to us that human resulted from a species(s) of nocturnal beings who may have lived in caves. As such, large eyes would allow the creature to take in as much light as possible. Furthermore, if the creatures were nocturnal, it is possible that their eye could have reflected light like a cat’s eyes.

As nocturnal beings, they would have been fascinated with the night sky including the moon, planets, and stars. This is what could have led to the worship of celestial objects. Furthermore, observing the night sky, could have led to development of a calendar and even civilization. This, of course, argues against our ancient ancestors being apes or monkeys.

Now, we are going too far. Let’s us stop here. Please email us with your comments.

About black2tell

Author, speaker, and researcher of various unexplained mysteries including lost civilizations, human origins, religious mysteries, and UFOs. Mr. Black is available for speaking engagements.
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